
Sós Antikvárium

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ko8795.   book/rare books

Medical dissertations collection.

without place. without year. without publisher. leather binding. Latin language.
size: 18x11 cm. stained. big rip on spine.


1) Stepano MADIER. Dissertatio medica de strumis.
Martel, Montpellier 1760. 43 p.
2) Josephus BRUN. Dissertatio de vasorum capillarium corporis humani suctu.
Martel, Montpellier 1747. 16 p.
3) Bartholomae VIDAL. Dissertaion medica de usu et abusu corticis peruviani in gangrena.
Rochard, Montpellier 1761. 17 p.
4) Josephus MORIN. Tentamen medicum de dolore.
Rochard, Montpellier 1761. [7p], 47 p.
5) Balthazar-Adranus BASSIGNOT. Thesis medica de arte inoculandi.
Rochard, Montpellier 1759. 10 p.
6) Josephus CARRERE. Dissertatio medica de vitali corporis.
Reynier, Perpignan 1758. 72 p.
7) Augustino AVEROS. De nutritionis incrementi et decrementi mechanismo.
Martel, Montpellier 1752p. p.
8) Georgio-Johanne-Baptista LOCANO. Dissertatio physiologica de mechanico feminarum tributo.
Martel, Montpellier 1749. [8p]. 43
9) Dionisius-Augustinus SONYER DU LAC. Dissertatio medica de secretione bilis et ejus in corpore humano effectibus.
Rochard, Montpellier 1747. [4p], 12 p.
10) Alexander CANRON. Materies medica in regno animali et lapideo.
Martel, Montpellier 1763. [9p]. 39 p.
11) Josephus Honoratus GROS. Dissertatio de paralysi.
Rochard, Montpellier 1747. [5]),9 p.
12) Laurentius CLAVILLART GERUNDENSIS. De ira noxa atque ejus utilitate exercitatio physico medica.
Rochard, Montpellier 1744. [4p], 14 p.
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